The Del Día line from Cotopaxi is a win-win kind of thing. It keeps perfectly good performance fabrics out of landfill, lets garment workers indulge in a bit of creativity, and means that each Del Día product you buy is one-of-a-kind. So how does it work? Well, Cotopaxi realised that loads of other companies were chucking away odds and ends of remnant material from their own manufacturing runs. So they bought up all these leftovers and the folk at their factory in the Philippines started playing mix-and-match with the repurposed fabric – working up Cotopaxi's fully featured packs and jackets in whatever different colourways they fancied. The only rule is that they can’t use the same colour scheme twice.
The result is that no two products will ever be alike, making each one vibrantly and uniquely yours.