Mystery Ranch

Gallagator 25

Colour: Hummus Dobby
Hummus Dobby

Need for speed

Light and fast outdoor gear might be on trend, but it’s definitely not a fad. Being able to reduce the weight and bulk you bring on the trail makes a real difference and allows you to go further and explore more, the trick is to find the balance between speed and comfort. The new Gallagator packs are a great example of going minimalist but still being packed with all the useful things you’d need from a trail pack. The harness takes its inspiration from running vests and is designed to stick to your back like a monkey when moving fast and also has stretch mesh pockets on the shoulder straps so you don’t have to stop to grab those sunglasses or snacks. Quick zip access to the main compartment also makes it a breeze to grab whatever you need as conditions change. The 10 and 15 litre versions are ideal for those shorter but higher intensity times out on the trail and the 20 and 25 litre sizes add that little bit of extra capacity as well as having the iconic 3-Zip Mystery Ranch main compartment entry.

    • 3-ZIP access to the main compartment makes it quick and easy to grab what you need
    • Light, flexible, padded frame
    • Running vest style harness with stretch mesh pockets on the shoulders
    • Zippered lid pocket
    • Wrap around compression straps to secure your load
    • Stretch mesh water bottle pockets
    • Hydration reservoir compatible
    • Loops to attach walking poles
    • Weight: 635 g
    • Volume: 24 L
    • Dimensions: 46 x 28 x 25 cm
    • To fit torso size: 43 - 61 cm 
    • To fit waist size: 89 - 102+ cm
    • Material: Recycled N.70 x 140 Dobby
    • YKK® zippers
    • Sustainability Through Longevity - Mystery Ranch bags are designed and built to last a lifetime and are backed by a lifetime manufacturers warranty.
    • Global Initiatives - Since 2010, Mystery Ranch has supported Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF) with in-kind product. WSF's mission to manage and restore wild sheep populations across North America.
  • Mystery Ranch is built on a heritage of function, comfort, quality and durability. Since 2000, Mystery Ranch has been manufacturing packs and load carriage systems for military, hunting, wildland fire and mountaineering customers, with a focus on use-specific designs and hand-built quality. Based in Bozeman, Montana, Mystery Ranch is a global brand with worldwide production and distribution

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